Scorpio New Moon: charged potential

Scorpio Mars is letting something off their chest, it’s been sitting on your diaphragm for some time now stifling your breaths, weighing you down. Mars has been plowing through our Scorpio houses for the past couple of weeks, moving FAST. Scorpio Mars has been amassing control. Mars in Scorpio is full goblin mode, it makes it’s own power: withholding, plotting and scheming, are tactics employed by Mars in Scorpio. Excellent at strategy games, Scorpio Mars is in it for survival. Sometimes you may not even notice the work it has been doing until you blink and things fall in line as a result of the moves they made way back in the game. Suddenly, open ground. Mars conjunct the New Moon is a displacement of this heavy energy through self prioritisation, through sudden catharsis. Through actually feeling the shape of the shadowy mass. Feeling it and ripping it out. Be gone! Now we can move.

Let’s electrify this combo with Uranus - electrostatic energy, and we have a New Moon feels a bit like hair standing on end, the midst of an electrical storm, no rain. Charged AF. If you think about it that way, we have charged potential. We are charged potential. A potential built that will release, like a coiled spring. We are in the space of the charging, we are setting the scene for the release. How are you conducting yourself to ensure when the release happens you are in the best possible situation. Have you arranged your knights to protect? Do your moves reflect truth? Are you moving just for the sake of moving, or is there intent? Is there feeling behind your movements? It is a good reminder to check in with your long term goals and make sure your actions are aligned. And if you do not have a long term goal, perhaps derive it back to your core values. Move your pieces around this central notion: compliment and strategise.

With the energy of this New Moon there is a lot of willpower and drive, you can make some excellent ground, there is a lot of courage. Perhaps you find yourself making that power move. But with Uranus in the mix there is warning to head: make sure you think through exactly what it is you are wanting to do because you may find yourself feeling impulsive, and impulsiveness does not always offer clarity of thought. In fact this New Moon kind of shuns normative thought. With Scorpio Mars growing power we might find ourselves doing things that are about gaining our own power. Try energising your current constructive habits, supercharge your rituals. Arrange those chess pieces. We might feel the need to release, so consider how you let off steam and do it safely. It is a water Moon, so perhaps seek a body of water for a cleansing swim, shower, or bath. This is about Scorpio, this is about your freedom, this is about feelings that drive you. What drives you? Unwrap these feelings from your core and lay them out to see them for what they are.


  • In what situations do you feel most powerful?

  • What might feel good to cut out of your life?

  • What do you want to do more than anything? What values drive this?

  • Check your relationship to power - what are you taking from others for the gain of personal power? How can you act with integrity?

  • Check your relationship with achievement - who defines your idea of success? Do you?


Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: cling and release